The course Virtual WBL for VET teachers
The course Virtual WBL for VET teachers is available open access in English, Portuguese, Estonian, Italian, Bulgarian, Greek and Polish, accessible by mobile, tablet, laptop, or personal computer, or a mixture of these, available in self-learning methodology and without any time restriction.
Handbook for VET teachers / trainers
Handbook for VET teachers/trainers on best use of the competencies acquired through the course vWBL course ‘Virtual WBL for VET teachers’
The vWBL Framework
Based on the results of an extended consultation of VET teachers and experts in Portugal, Estonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Poland, the vWBL Framework has been created to define the project methodology.

The Guide for VET teachers to virtual WBL
The Guide for VET teachers to virtual WBL presents statements, statement, standards and recommendations to the virtual WBL, based on the consultation of experienced VET professionals in the European project countries Portugal, Estonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Poland that was conducted at the start of the project.
The vWBL Guide is available in English, Portuguese, Estonian, Italian, Bulgarian, Greek and Polish.
News from E+
- 16 new Centres of Vocational Excellence launched
- International Women’s Day: Promoting gender equality through the CERV programme
- Basic skills and STEM action plan to support education and training
- Info session: CERV - Call for proposals on rights of the child and children’s participation: Presentation and recording are now available!
- Be ready for the next DiscoverEU application round!
- Info session - CERV Civil Dialogue – Call to foster citizens’ engagement and participation 2025: Presentation now available!
- Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships in the field of Education and Training submitted by European NGOs: what you need to know to apply!
- Have your say: EU funding for cross-border education, training and solidarity, young people, media, culture, and creative sectors, values, and civil society
vWBL News
- The kick off meeting of the project partners was held online on 14th January 2021.
- The vWBL project designed its branding strategy, of which this website is a key propagator.
- A 'ice breaking' meeting of the project partners was held online on 12 November 2020.
vWBL Open Data
At the end of the project, the vWBL project team makes available the findings of the surveys to which VET experts, teachers and trainers participated in 2021. These results are at disposal as Open Data that could be freely used by research communities and stakeholder
The vWBL final international conference
The coordinator EPRALIMA organized the final project event by its school headquarters in Arcos de Valdevez (Portugal). The final international conference, organized by Epralima in November 2022 gave the opportunity to present all completed and validated project results to a broad audience of stakeholders and to collect all participants’ evaluation and suggestions for further uses of the vWBL results.
Promotion initiatives
vWBL has been broadly disseminated through different channels and media. Traditional and digital media have been used to impact stakeholders and specialists in all project countries, totally achieving a total audience of more than 11,000 people reached by the project during its implementation period.
Evaluation of results
The project results have been evaluated by VET teachers and experts as well as by VET students in the project countries Portugal, Estonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Poland. The respondants provided a very positive feedback, particularly on the future use of the proposed training.
vWBL branding
The WBL logo was conceived as if it were a precise and complex artifact, in which the small object "v" perfectly fits within the other element of the design "WBL", the latter standing for the more complex and comprehensive context of artifacts.
vWBL visual identity
Available formats of the vWBL logo