At the end of the project, the vWBL project team makes available the findings of the surveys to which VET experts, teachers and trainers participated in 2021.
These results are at disposal as Open Data that could be freely used by research communities and stakeholders.
Experience of respondents in teaching/training in VET: How long have you been teaching/training in VET?
Experience in distance teaching/training in the project countries: How long experience do you have in distance teaching and learning?
Social forms used in digital teaching: Which of the following social forms do you use during your teaching?
Teachers’ knowledge and skills in digital technologies: Please state your knowledge and skills in the following technologies and tools
Teachers’ self-evaluation of their teaching abilities: Please state the following about yourself as a teacher/trainer
Planning WBL during pandemic: How did you plan your teaching during pandemic in the WBL group?
Assessments activities during pandemic: Think about assessment activities during the pandemic in the WBL group
Feedback from students: Feedback from students during pandemic in the WBL group
Variations for students: Variations used for students during the pandemic in the WBL group
Tools mostly used in online learning: In your online teaching/training you mostly use
The biggest difficulties in online learning: Considering your experience, what do you think are the biggest difficulties encountered in online teaching/training?
Difficulty with students’ attention by countries: Students/learners’ attention and participation
Practical learning in online: Considering practice, exercises and work-based learning, how did you transfer these to online learning experiences?
Teachers’ usage of simulation tools in online learning: Do you use advanced digital tools for simulating reality in your training/learning?
Teachers, who are interested in simulation tools: Would you be interested in experiencing digital simulation tools?
Information of virtual WBL organisation: I had full information, how virtual WBL is organized at our organisation
Teachers’ independence in decisions: I was able to decide for myself how to conduct my lessons
Information of support: I knew I could get help if needed
Collaboration between teachers during pandemic: I discussed activities and tasks related to the learning process with other teachers at least once a week
Forms of cooperation during pandemic: During the pandemic, we implemented the following forms of cooperation
Problem solving during pandemic: Any problems that arose were resolved quickly
Feedback collection and usage: Feedback collected from...
Comparison of teachers cooperation: Compared to the previous period, teacher cooperation during the pandemic
Students’ participation in virtual WBL: How would you rate the students’/learners’ participation level with the online work-based learning you offered?
Evaluation for students’ learning results: My overall evaluation for students’ learning results/outcomes during the distance learning period
Changes in teachers’ work: The extent to which your work changed during the distance learning period
Teachers’ self-evaluation of online WBL: How do you self-evaluate your proposed online work-based learning?
Effectiveness of virtual WBL compared with pre-pandemic: Comparing traditional learning in WBL before the pandemic, please evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning during the pandemic
Aspects in virtual WBL should always transfer: What do you think is the most important aspect that an online work-based experience should always transfer?